COOKEVILLE – Cookeville Electric Department (CED) has received a national commendation from the American Public Power Association for its support in electric power restoration efforts in Clarksville.
On Oct. 27, 2019, CED sent two four-man crews to assist Clarksville Department of Electricity (CDE), which suffered widespread outages as a result of an Oct. 26 storm. The Cookeville crews consisted of Cody Nash, journeyman lineman; Mike Phy, crew chief; Will Dunson, journeyman lineman; Brady Goforth, apprentice lineman; Tyler Bradley, apprentice lineman; Craig Bussell, crew chief; Jared Case, apprentice lineman; and Andy Roberts, journeyman lineman.
The storm, with wind gusts up to 75 mph, caused the most distribution damage to the CDE Lightband system in the company’s history, leaving more than 32,000 of its 70,000 customers without power.
The city of Cookeville appreciates its employees’ willingness to volunteer to help others in their time of need. Cookeville has required mutual assistance during past storm events and is happy to do its part when other systems are in need.
Cookeville assisted with restoration efforts for five days with our crews returning home on Oct. 31.
CED participates in the American Public Power Association’s Mutual Aid Network, which coordinates with utilities and authorities during widespread power outages.
For more information on CED and its commitment to mutual aid, visit cookeville-tn.gov/electric or PublicPower.org/MutualAid.